Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Three Months and Counting!

Fellow Ballwashers,

Most of you must be sick & tired of your daily winter commute...
Genessee Street - Utica, NY ;-)

...but take heart, because THREE MONTHS FROM TODAY we'll be looking at this kind of a drive in Alexandria Bay:
Thousand Islands Country Club - Old Course

Alex Bay Rooming update:
As of this posting, we have 20 Ballwashers with confirmed Alex Bay overnight accommodations. Those of you who have remained silent are at serious risk of having no rooming options to pick from. The Ship Motel (315-482-4503) has no more two-bed rooms available, but they do have about 5-6 rooms with a King or Queen bed.

If that doesn't work for you, then I recommend reserving rooms at one of these two alternative locations. The prices are comparable to the prices offered by The Ship, but rooms at these places are moving quickly, too:
Alex Bay Attendance update:
As of this posting, 21 Ballwashers have confirmed they will play in Alex Bay, the majority choosing "Admiral" packages, and 7 cannot make it for a variety of lame, bogus reasons.
  • Admiral I - 10
  • Admiral II - 10
  • Captain I - 0
  • Captain II - 0
  • Lubber - 1
  • DoucheBags (confirmed) - 7
  • DoucheBags (unconfirmed) - 49
Forty-nine silent DoucheBags are waiting for something to happen I guess, but I can't imagine what that would be. Are we making this too easy for you? Are we providing you with too much helpful information? Would you prefer to have a really hard time trying to get a room once they're ALL GONE?

Remember, Don't Be a DoucheBag!

The remaining three months will pass before you know it. I've already reserved my flights and secured my room. This outing is likely to be repeated in years to come, and we can ALL be a part of Ballwasher History by being there at the beginning! And let's not forget about the Canadian imports that will be in town when college is out.

Wake up already, and make your plans ASAP!! Arrggggh!


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