Monday, June 11, 2007

We Did It!

Fellow Ballwashers,

I ask you, my brothers and sisters, is this a picture of Chunk suddenly having a bright idea, or is this a picture of Chunk reflecting on bleary memories of an AWESOME Ballwasher Mid-Season outing??

Seriously...was that great or what?! I can definitely say that 19 Ballwashers had an excellent time in AlexBay this past weekend.

Everyone returned to their everyday existence yesterday, and we have resumed dwelling among normal people once more. MANY pictures are being pulled together right now, and I urgently request that you send me your amusing Ballwasher quotes & anecdotes while we can still remember them (meaning mere minutes remain for most of us). You will love "The SpoogeMaster 3000" that Willie presented to Brit when we kicked-off the outing on Friday morning.

Thank you to everyone who came out to Alex Bay for this outing. Thank you to Dean & Duayne at The Ship Motel for being such gracious hosts to the Ballwashers, and a final thank you to Fred & Brad at TICC for facilitating a great two-day Ballwasher golf event.

Keep coming back for more pictures & stories over the next couple of weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's Chunk reliving his moments with the fatty from the Dancing Dog. - Shlotz