Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Let's Do It !!

Fellow Ballwashers,

If there was ever a movie character who embodied the Ballwasher spirit, it was John (Bluto) Blutarsky in Animal House. He gave a a deeply moving motivational speech in that movie, and I strongly encourage you to click on the link to hear that speech anew, mentally substituting "the Ballwashers" anytime you hear a reference to "Delta House". It almost makes me cry.

Be aware that we stand poised at the brink of a new chapter in Ballwasher history, my brothers. Alex Bay holds great potential as our newest mid-season venue, and it's up to each and every one of us to ensure it lives up to its potential.

Those of you driving from Utica to Alex Bay on Friday morning need to plan on 2.5 hours of drive time. You must be at the TICC "Old Course" on Wellesley Island no later than 9:30am, so plan accordingly. Here's a Google Map Link to refer to.

Following last Friday's comprehensive Ballwasher AlexBay email, two Ballwashers have dropped out (an Admiral II and our sole Lubber). If no one else falls to last-minute DoucheBaggery, we will be a force of TWENTY Ballwashers (making foursomes convenient), changing the landscape of AlexBay!

See you all soon!


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